🔎 What Is Memeland & Its NFT Ecosystem?

🔎 What Is Memeland & Its NFT Ecosystem?

In previous blog articles, we’ve covered the basics around cryptocurrency, a broad view of NFTs, and how to generate your own NFT collection.

👀 In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Memeland and its ecosystem of NFT collections, and provide information on what it all is and how they work together. Here is our brief guide to gain further understanding.


👉 Memeland is a web3-focused venture studio created by the team behind 9GAG. It invites its followers to explore the NFT “seas” via its meme-based NFT collections and to journey into its web3 ecosystem, the Memeverse.


Developed in 2022, Memeland was created to be the web3 extension of the web2-based venture, 9GAG.

9GAG was established in 2008 as an online platform and social media website based in Hong Kong🇭🇰. It allows its users to upload and share user-generated content and viral internet memes popular on many different social media platforms. Its popularity commands a global🌎 audience of over 200 million people.

9GAG’s co-founders include its CEO, former University of Hong Kong student Ray Chan, Chris Chan, Derek Chan, Brian Yu and Marco Fung. Through its success, it has attracted advisors and investors to its team including VeeFriends’ Gary Vaynerchuk (Gary Vee), Moonbirds’ Kevin Rose, Hypebeast’s Kevin Ma, NFT entrepreneur Adrian Cheng and Char.


To date, Memeland has released several NFT collections as part of its extended ecosystem. Holding a premier Memeland-based NFT grants access to the “Memelist”, which may allow purchase access to future drops.

Each NFT collection contains a range of utility-enabled profile picture (PFP) avatars with pixelated artwork. What sets these apart from many other collections is that Memeland’s NFTs to date are animated and not static. Each collection has a specific number of avatars with trait categories and randomized traits that determine the appearance of each NFT. As with other collections, NFTs with rarer traits are deemed more valuable.

These NFT collections include:


Memeland’s initial collection, “You The Real MVP” or “MVP”, gives its holders exclusive first access to what Memeland claims is an “exceptional network of collectors, builders, creators, makers, entrepreneurs, professionals and degens who share advice, information, knowledge and skills openly with each other”. Holding an MVP grants membership to the MVP lounge in the Memeland Discord, preferential allowlist spots, NFT drops, IRL events and other collaborations.

With only 420 NFTs in this collection, the 9 different trait categories of each trophy NFT have no variation but differ in quantity. These are Poseidon🔱 (18 NFTs), Mermaid🧜‍♀️ (19), Pirate🏴‍☠️ and Ship⛵ (both 39), Parrot🦜 and Skull☠️ (both 49), Shark🦈, Kraken👾 and Treasure👑 (69 each).

📈NFT Collection Stats
No. of Avatars: 420
Trait categories: 9
Randomized traits: None
Launch date: June 15, 2022
Initial price: 0.69 ETH* (~USD$850.91 at that time) *Reserve price in blind auction
Total sales volume*: 4,000 ETH (~USD$7.1 million)
Current floor price*:  45 ETH (~USD$33.5 million)
Market capitalization*: 18,900 ETH (~USD$33.5 million)

*figures obtained at the time of writing.


The Potatoz, Memeland’s second NFT collection when it was released, gradually evolved from varying Potatoz “sprouts” to grow into their unique final stage form. The perks of owning a Potatoz NFT include “valuables♟️” such as private club membership, exclusive access to Memeland’s NFT marketplace and IRL events, and whitelist privileges for future Memeland drops and projects.

When reaching their final stage of development, Potatoz NFTs are animated potato-like characters with varying trait categories such as their type, element, mutations, pose, head, weapon🗡️ and shoes👞.

📈NFT Collection Stats
No. of Avatars: 9,999
Trait categories: 10
Randomized traits: 296
Launch date: July 20, 2022
Initial mint price: Free to those on the Memeland allowlist (Memelist, MVP holders etc)
Total sales volume*: USD$43.7 million
Current floor price*:  2.39 ETH (~USD$4,246)
Market capitalization*: 23,897 ETH (~USD$42.5 million)

*figures obtained at the time of writing.


☠️Ahoy! Memeland’s most recent NFT release, in early 2023, has been The Captainz. Like the Potatoz collection, these NFTs evolve over time through stages, growing more unique through each stage. With regards to inclusivity, Captainz is one of the first gender-fluid NFT collections and its holders will be able to pick, choose and change their NFT’s gender.

Stages of Captainz NFT development:
Stage 1 - Unrevealed Chest🧰
Stage 2 - Revealed Chest (variations of a baby👶 pirate)
Stage 3* - ‘Jolly Roger’ pirate flag🏴‍☠️
Stage 4* - Captainz character👤

*Yet to be revealed at the time of writing.

👑Avast ye! Captainz are Memeland’s premier level membership. The perks of holding a Captainz NFT include previous collection benefits plus access to “maps🗺️” which lead to future releases such as Treasure Islandz🏝️ NFTs and the $MEME token (see below for more info on these). Captainz holders also gain governance rights to the Memeland DAO, make decisions regarding the DAO treasury, governance rules, partnerships and more.

📈NFT Collection Stats
No. of Avatars: 9,999
Trait categories:  TBD (NFTs are still evolving)
Randomized traits: TBD
Launch date: January 4 - 6, 2023
Initial mint price: 1.069  ETH (~USD$1,343 at that time)
Total sales volume*: USD$44.3 million
Current floor price*:  5.05 ETH (~USD$9,039)
Market capitalization*: 50,495 ETH (~USD$90.38 million)

*figures obtained at the time of writing.


Still under wraps🤐, but future highly anticipated developments and releases by Memeland include:

The Memeland DAO – Explained above.

$MEME token – Set for a 2023 release, MEME will form the basis of Memeland’s ecosystem and will be the platform’s currency token to support creators and multiple SocialFi products.

SocialFi products – Holders.com (Tripadvisor for your web3 journey), PFP.com (Proof of Fandom Protocol), GMGM.com (web3 OnlyFans, “clothes required’), Stakeland (an app “making crypto staking fun”), Petsland (web3 for pet lovers only).

Treasure Islandz🏝️ – potential land-based NFTs for the Memeland metaverse.


📲.The Bloom shopper rewards app allows you to earn NFTs and other crypto (like Bitcoin, Ethereum and a range of other altcoins) with every purchase made on your Visa card💳.

🦉 All you need to do is download the Bloom app, register an account, link your Visa card and shop anywhere using your credit or debit card.

💰 With every purchase, you will earn Bloom Coins by simply using your Visa card💳. The more you use your card, the more Bloom Coins you will earn.

🎁 Bloom Coins earned can be redeemed for rewards within the app, such as NFTs.

🆓 Converting crypto on Bloom is free of charge and has no gas fees!

💎 Earn exclusive 3x Bloom Coin rewards with a Premium Membership.

The information provided on this website does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice, or any other sort of advice and you should not treat any of the website's content as such. Bloom does not recommend that any cryptocurrency or NFTs should be bought, sold, or held by you. Do conduct your own due diligence and consult your financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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